Hello everyone from everywhere! Thank you so much for taking the time to follow the Fundforte Fast Tracks, blog, channel, and podcast! Welcome to track number 002, meet the founder of Fundforte: Beaudy Marea G. Camacho! If you're reading up on the blog, listening in on the podcast or watching over on the channel, I just ask that you do so safely and responsibly by assuring your attention is set on matters that are urgent or important to the well being of yourself and others around you. Thank you so much! Read aloud by Jordan Haro: Welcome to track number two of Fundforte Fast Tracks! Today we get to meet Beaudy Marea G. Camacho, the founder of Fundforte! Beaudy is the daughter of Francisco and Eloise Camacho, is 26 years of age and eldest of four children. She operates home-based from the Island of Guam, a United States territory in the pacific. She is the mother of two boys and is an active position holding leader in various clubs and organizations. Beaudy had fallen in love with events as a child, always eager to help cook, decorate and plan family parties, attend community functions and contribute to cleaning up or breaking down of events. She had always been an active student body leader since she was in elementary school leading the planning, design, and fundraising of many functions, arts, crafts, and projects. While in middle school she fell even more in love with student leadership and the event planning experience and decided to become an entrepreneur to open her own business in the creative field. In high school, Beaudy still remained an active student body leader as president of various clubs. As a high school student, she also attended many business workshops both online and in-person and drafted her business plan to start-up Fundforte. During her senior year, as the Student Body President, Beaudy found out that she and her boyfriend of three years were expecting a child which would be due around the time of graduation. Pregnancy did not stop her from excelling in her studies, volunteering, coordinating fundraisers, winning a $10,000 essay scholarship by writing over 66 pages on the topic of ‘SPAM’, receiving the Principal’s Award, and receiving honors upon graduation day. Even with all the success, Beaudy was focused on raising her child and improving her credentials first as she felt it was first better to complete education and certifications in event management, design, business, marketing and more after graduation. Through more rigorous planning and savings, Fundforte was open and licensed for business on March 13, 2013. This year, 2019, marks six years of providing custom creative event solutions! Though it has not been an easy route, along with all the success and triumph many did not witness the trials and tribulations that Beaudy had endured. In 2014, Beaudy found out they were expecting another son all while her boyfriend had been placed under arrest, serving one year of prison for an alleged purse snatching. He had denied the allegations and claimed to be set-up which was not uncommon from his past, so Beaudy stood by his side. She delivered their second born on the 22nd of December of that year without her partner present. He was released in 2015 and then Beaudy had uncovered on Christmas Day, 3 days after their son’s first birthday, that he had been abusing methamphetamines for a while and was guilty of the purse snatching. Throughout 2016 she assisted in enrolling him in rehabilitation programs and still maintained a healthy business, thriving with clients and media features. During this year in April, her godmother who she assisted in caregiving and hospice, had passed from uterine cancer. The rehabilitation for the man Beaudy loved, was not working as he placed a façade that he was determined to be sober. The truth came to light and in September the two ended up arguing, which led to getting physical and Beaudy ended up serving over 24 hours in the female prison for defending herself. He and the others who got involved in the fight had not been taken in and the police did not investigate thoroughly, nor did they interview any key witnesses. In November of 2016, he relapses again and is imprisoned for a month. Upon release in December of 2016, Beaudy and the father of her children come to amends and agree to lead a healthier life for each other and their sons. She warns him that if he is caught in one single lie, he will be thrown out and not allowed to see his family. He agrees to the conditions and is eager to start over. They move to a new home, he secures a new job and they try again for hopes of a new future. It is now 2017, and the plan was to get married on this 10th year of being together in September. That all came to an end in April when their home was raided for the third time during their relationship and Beaudy and the children were present this time around. The SWAT team used the forced entry on their doors, cracked open glass windows, used flash bombs, had guns drawn and used excessive force on her partner. Beaudy rushed the children into the master bedroom restroom and hid until assistance came. This stressful event was the final straw for Beaudy as her suspicion on lies, substance abuse and shady activity of hanging around with people from his past was now clear. She ended the relationship as he was in handcuffs with the entire SWAT Team to witness. They flipped her house inside and out looking for incriminating evidence to support their arrest and case. Though no evidence was found in her home, the people her boyfriend was with confessed to their actions and he was the only one charged with armed robbery and sentenced to five years imprisonment. The rest of 2017 was difficult to endure as she had just lost her partner who was consumed by drugs and crime and then in October her ill grandmother whom she took care of as well, had passed away. Her family and friends ensured her that things will turn for the better and Ms. Camacho worked hard on her business and raising her kids. In January of 2018, her relationship with another man got serious and she admired him, as he was career-driven, family-oriented and enjoyed being around her and her kids. She continued to go to school, run her business and enhance her life. Then things turned for the worse when she realized that this man had been pulling off a façade as well and had conned himself off to be a good person. Due to her finding out the truth about him and uncovering his lies, she broke up with this individual in the summer of 2018. This man did not take the breakup well and ended up forcing sex, stalking her, stealing items, trying to loiter around her work and break in to her home and after all those attempts of desperation, he attempted suicide through hanging where she intervened, cut him down, saved him and requested back-up from the police. After that incident, she filed a restraining order which reported thousands of missed calls, messages and texts. After those failed connections didn’t work, he used “spoofing” apps to cloak his name, number and address which made it seem like her contacts, clients, her children’s schools and even on one instance, the police station were the ones calling her. She had missed many connections for possible clients and business due to this spoofing, as she was no longer answering ANY phone calls. She then requested assistance from the Marshalls to have him arrested. In October, she found him lounging in her home, and had been there the entire day as she was away assisting her family with the 1st-anniversary events of her grandmother’s death. He had been hanging out there as the housed smelled of food and cigarette smoke. He had stolen frozen meats, canned food, and other items and placed them in a large duffle bag by the door. She confronted him as he held a machete, and her a small pot, discussing how she will have him arrested. As he ran to grab his items and the duffle bag, she backed into her car, locked the doors and then followed him in her car as he dashed into the dark park nearby. The police were unable to locate him and advised to call them or the marshalls if he is spotted again. Two days later, as she was driving to her mother’s house, she spotted him walking on the road, he noticed her vehicle and darted into the jungle area nearby. It took her an hour of going house to house, to locate which place he had been staying at. With assistance from the marshalls and the homeowner, he was found and arrested. This was a sign of relief as the stalking had resulted in her losing out on the majority of the income that she would have received for six months of proper business in 2018. After the spoofing, calls didn’t work and after his release, in December, he decided to create a fake dating profile of hers using Tinder and accepted all the connections from men who were interested in her fake profile as well. He would converse with these men and then hand out her real phone number. When they would send a Whatsapp message, call or text her, some were angered that they felt she was wasting their time. Even though she properly and politely explained what was going on, notifying them that it was not her they were actually talking to. It became so dangerous that some of these men had even noticed her in public and still wanted to communicate with her after being explained the situation. Tinder was informed early on and the police station as well, the profile was taken down but nothing could be done to charge him for identity theft without a subpoena. Ms. Camacho’s ex had still tried to contact her throughout 2019 and everything ended when he finally appeared in court in April. Things were looking brighter than ever as the case was settled, she was blessed with the home that her grandparents wanted to give her, she was repairing her credit, adjusting her taxes, business was amazing, she was able to take a trip to a neighboring island and enjoy her family and 2019 was turning out to be a great year! Then in May a nice 4 figure client asked for a full refund and going against her contract, and against the advice of her family, friends, and advisors, she granted the full refund request. This situation made Beaudy aware that she could no longer accept just anyone to be a Fundforte client and heightened her standards to what traits an ideal client will have. This decision raised the bar and allowed Fundforte to reach and exceed their goals as a team, for development and expansion. The business was operating nicely this summer and things were going well until her grandfather had passed away in her care suddenly. He was old and frail, tired and weak from the heartbreak of losing his wife. She had tried to resuscitate his unconscious body until medics arrived, but knew that he was gone. He took control of his passing and she knew that he did not want to be in a hospital and most certainly did not want to die in one. ‘What was he doing before you noticed he wasn’t breathing?’ one of the medics asked. And her little sister had reminded her that the last thing he did before he took a nap, was prayed. The passing of her grandfather brought her family together to celebrate his life and welcome two new lives in addition, as her cousins had both birthed healthy children. Through the many events that followed in the summer of 2019, Ms. Camacho and her family celebrated each other and discussed life, love, laughter and more. Through love and loss, Ms. Camacho has gained her strength and so openly shares her experiences with us to show that we must take care of ourselves first in order to take care of others in both our personal lives and our careers. This is also a reminder to not let anyone abuse that love and to surround ourselves with others who help us heal and grow, such as how her family and friends were continually doing so for her. With her growth, Ms. Camacho has received numerous awards and recognition for her products, services, volunteerism, and support for many causes such as the success and well-being of others, education, arts, and environment. Her winnings, grants, and awards total to over $25,000 towards her education, business, and empowerment. With the most recent recognition being the Small Business Association's 2018 Home-based Business Champion for the Island of Guam. Alongside owning and operating Fundforte, Ms. Camacho is also a certified Suicide First Aid Trainer with the Living Works ASIST Program. She is First Aid, AED and CPR certified and has been an advocate for promoting substance-free living as a steward and former head case manager through Oasis Empowerment Center. Beaudy is also a peace-planning counselor with Our Lady of Peace, guiding families on the best decisions for pre-planning memorials, funeral arrangements, and processes. She has received various certifications and training in event management, grant writing, micro-credit, business planning, sales, counseling and more in the related fields. Ms. Camacho has aided in coordinating events and creating fundraising programs for school organizations and other non-profits raising thousands of dollars for various projects, trips, events and development strategies. Plans for the future of Fundforte include continued sponsorships and donations such as, giving back to the community through free publications in digital and print and creating a program to bring birthday parties to the less fortunate through their entertainment division. The company will soon be providing more digital products, online courses, and one-to-one coaching on fundraisers, parties and special events that will assist other event planners, fundraiser coordinators, party promoters and entertainers to become the best versions of themselves. For more information on Beaudy and Team Fundforte, please visit www.fundforte.com. They are also available on Instagram and Twitter @Fundforte, #Fundforte. The company is also available on Youtube, Pinterest, Google Plus and Linked in. For service and discovery calls, Beaudy is available via Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Skype and through WhatsApp or regular calls at 1-671-788-9665. Emails can be sent to fund.forte@gmail.com and regular mail can be posted at P.O. Box 10897 Tamuning, Guam 96931. Thank you so much for joining us today to meet Beaudy Marea G. Camacho, founder of Fundforte. She looks forward to your future on the fast track!